Quality assurance unit


Total Quality now is important for most countries, as it a basic element for the new model of administration which copes with the international innovations through meeting the international and local exchanges to adapt with them, administrating the total quality relays on the application of advancing methods aiming to improve and develop practices, processes, results and services.
Functions of quality assurance unit
1 – cooperation with the quality assurance unit in the faculty to evaluate the performance and assure the educational quality according to the terms of the national authority for accreditation and quality assurance.
2 – applying the strategy of the university regarding the educational quality at university level which includes the mission, vision, and goals, and it follows up the data which comes out from the accreditation and quality assurance center in the university.
3 – establishing an integrated information system to evaluate the performance and assure the educational quality, and providing the main center in the university an annual report.
4 – providing the scientific departments and the different administrations of the faculty manuals and advisory services regarding the assurance of the educational quality.
5- working with the deans of the faculty, the teaching staff in the scientific departments and the workers in the different administrations to prepare the faculty for getting the accreditation.
6 – preparing the self-study according to the standards of the national authority to assure the quality of education and accreditation and submitting it to the faculty’s dean.
7- making information activities inside the faculty and society to establish the concept of evaluating the performance and the quality assurance